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✨ What A Summer! ✨

✨Holy Moly, what a summer! ✨

Our summer collaboration with Go Girls! Oakland made for a very impact-FULL summer. We took a break from sharing on the blog to co-lead our biggest summer camp season yet. Here's a recap:

In the spring, we announced our new collaboration with genuine excitement. Having worked together twice before we knew that our shared values and mission to empower kids through the arts and social-emotional learning was the right foundation to step into a bigger collaboration.

It started with a few team meetings and consultations to outline the scope, but it didn't take long to get to the meat. In April, we hosted interviews and prospective staff call-backs. We narrowed down our summer teams and moved into May for a series of vibrant staff trainings. We also got to work reviewing and revamping parts of the curriculum like the community games, mindfulness, and expressive arts pathways.

We helped set up the site and when camps started we directed all of the staff and facilitated opening and closing lessons each day, and co-hosted the final plays.

We are proud to have helped support and lead 180 campers and 35 staff members with meaningful leadership development and immersive full day transformative arts education.

Make no mistake: we may call it "camp," but it's a powerful 10 day program with transformative results that are seen, felt, and measurable. The three sessions of camp yielded 9 student play performances and 6 student cohort created videos, tons of art, new skills, mindfulness tools, and some sweet memories that alluded to some strong friendships in the making.

We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborated and grow with Go Girls! It was a few days off to rest and play... and now, we're full steam ahead into our 9th school year of creativity and character programming!

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